Monday, March 23, 2015

SOL#23 March 23rd

Roll,roll,roll, the longboard runs faster and faster over the hard cement and I jump of, landing wobbly on my feet. My dad and I are in a park down the street from our house and I decided to try long boarding for the first time. It is really fun but also hard and I still don't know how to get off correctly. I roll the board back up the small hill for another round, my dada standing at the top I place one foot on the middle of the rough board and push off with the other, taking a big breath as I start. Than to late, I realize I have pushed of to hard, I am going to fast I am gong to hit the curb and flip if I don't get off. I the last moment i hurriedly jump, to awkwardly to get my balance. The ground spins under me and I shove my arms out to break my fall but as I do and WHAM! My mouth opens to scream but nothing will come, I am scared, the pain is so great, pushing down upon me and centering on my left wrist. As i turn over, I feel a sting in my knee and look down, a mess of blood,

A broken arm.


  1. That is disturbingly realistic. Good job writing that.

  2. I felt like I was there watching you while I was reading this. Nice slice!
