Saturday, March 7, 2015

SOL #7 march 7th

" And blackout" David says it is the middle of the day of rehearsal and I am tired... Suddenly I hear my que line and hurry on stage, I meet eyes with my fellow caters that share the scene and we disappear behind the heavy black drapes. A few minuets later our music starts and we count the seconds until we slowly curve on to the stage and then sit in the corner, our backs pressed against the hard wooden pump as we say our lines and I cut up a paper doll. the bright lights blare in to my eyes and make it hard to see things past the edge of the carpet and the audience is completely shadowed out. Then we exit the stage and walk back to our corner on the risers and continue talking.


  1. That sounds scary! I like the detail you included.

  2. Sounds fun and intimidating, which play is this?

  3. Sounds fun and intimidating, which play is this?

  4. Nice SOL! I love the detail, and especially the first sentence.
