Sunday, March 1, 2015

SOL #1 march first

SSSSCCRRREEEEEECCCHHh... sounds the old medal swing as i try and bundle my bare fists tighter together. i squeeze my cold eyes together and try and think of summer, sun, waves, warmth... but no its to hard even to imagine with the blank, grey, still air floating around me like like a boat on still water before a storm. the frozen metal of the thin bench slats starts to dig in to my legs and make them even colder. i stand up, look around, there is nothing new just the same old park, i blink my eyes and then flee to the house. 


  1. I love going to parks in the winter!

  2. Nice Slice! I especially like how you describe trying to think of summer. Lol. Also how you started with a sound effect.

  3. Awesome slice, you described your experience like a boat and other things. Nice job. :)

  4. Awesome slice, you described your experience like a boat and other things. Nice job. :)

  5. Great slice! When I am cold I always try to think of the warm weather... I think it might help a little!

  6. I like how you used so many senses in so few words. It really brought the scene to life in my mind.
