Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Hawaii SOL

SQQQUUUUEEEEEESSSHHHH... "eeeeeewwwwww, I THINK SOMETHING TOUCHED MY FOOT!!" "Talia, nothing is there" "OMG what IS that?" We are trudging through the taro patch, grabbing at weeds under the brown, murky water. "Alright guys, time to go wash off in the river! Remember, just wash off your legs" We all, still barefoot climb out of the muddy sludge and make our way down a short path. "Ugg my clothes are all muddy" " um... I think you have some mud in your hair" We step in to the cool river and the water starts to get opaque, suddenly someone accidentally splashes someone and we brake out in water war. "I dare you to dunk your head!" "OK" "ONE TWO THREE, GO!" SPLASH! And suddenly the whole class is submerged and wet. We all burst from the water laughing and splashing each other atop the smooth stones and under large shady trees.  


  1. Hee hee! I wasn't there because I just got the stuff off my legs and got out. I wasn't cold! But that is a great slice, great job, Grace!

  2. That was so much fun! I like the way you use so many quotes. Nice! :)

  3. I wasn't involved in the water fight. I preferred not to be cold. It was funny to watch people being pushed over into water though.

  4. I wasn't involved in the water fight. I preferred not to be cold. It was funny to watch people being pushed over into water though.

  5. I wasn't involved in the water fight. I preferred not to be cold. It was funny to watch people being pushed over into water though.

  6. I loved the taro farming. the mud felt like a carpet. I was not involved in the water fight. I loved watching people get soaked.
